Improve Your Scores Ranch Riding Clinic RECAP

Our second clinic at Wildcat Ranch is in the books and we may have had even more fun this time!

Our goal was to provide a transformative experience for riders. We utilized the best human resources we could provide and above all else, our aim was to restore the fun in riding and competing with these amazing animals. It was such a privilege to work with such amazing people and their equine partners. Watching them improve over a weekend was incredible! The biggest improvement of the weekend had a 5 1/2 point swing from Saturday to Sunday and on average there was a 3 point improvement. That will definitely get you in the placings!

We had two guest speakers that were absolutely wonderful. On the first night during our Meet and Greet dinner, we had Dr. Pam Nichols speak on integrity and The Four Agreements (TFA). TFA is an amazing tool to utilize in both your daily life as well as with your equine partnership. Dr. Nichols is a renowned vet who has given TED talks, runs her own business coaching program, has her own small animal veterinary practice in Utah and is a world class horsewoman who is currently competing in NCHA events. On the second evening during our cookout we were honored to host NRHA Professional Horsewoman, Crystal McNutt. She’s been a serious competitor all of her life and proven this through her numerous Arabian and NRHA titles and accomplishments. She dove into mental preparation and showing despite your nerves. She shared her tips on how to get out of your head in order to achieve your goals. Thank you to both of them for sharing their knowledge and wisdom.

Steve, Kendall and Boo put so much work into this event and we’re so grateful to everyone who helped make it happen. One of the coolest additions that we added to this clinic was the option to lease a couple of our onsite horses that are currently winning in the show pen on a national level. It allowed several attendees to fly in from other states or even come out to try a new event before buying a ranch horse of their own.

Steve judged the two ranch riding shows as the true NRHA judge that he is. He gave everyone great commentary as well as explained why he scored the maneuvers the way he did. Kendall also judged each show and gave her scoring from the ranch experts perspective. Both of them also went over where improvement was needed as well as addressing the improvements on day 2.

Kendall led the Ranch Riding with expertise, giving the attendees some great drills to really turn things around with their transitions and also really going over everyones ranch look. Kendall is killing it in the Ranch Riding classes and her clients are winning major shows across the Southwest and they have their eyes set on the AQHA World Show. Steve really had some great tips on steering and turnarounds that can cross over from ranch to reining as well.

Jo lended her training skills to help us out and gave us another trainers perspective, Riley Dhaliwal from the Arizona Quarter Horse Association was our scribe, Jen Russo was a great announcer and Ashlynn with @ofthewestphotography was our official photographer. The photos are amazing and all the attendees went home with some great show and candid photos.

Our amazing sponsors really stepped up and supported our great team of rider, we want to make sure to give a huge thank you to them! We were able to give out some welcome bags, amazing prizes and awards because of them. One of our attendees even went home with A Run For The Million VIP Prize Pack thanks to the Brumley Management Group. Congrats Jenny Pearce! We can’t wait to see you in Las Vegas in August.

Thank you,









All images by Of The West Photography