Travis + Billy: A Youth Reiner and His Horse

We love horse and rider success stories here at Steve Ross Reining Horses. Travis and Billy are no exception! Travis was nice enough to give us the inside scoop on his story with Billy.


Around three and a half years ago I was driving out to the desert with my parents to find my first reining horse. Our first horse to see was at Steve and Boo’s place, and his name was Billy. At first, I really had no idea what type of horse Billy was, I only knew that he looked really cool and flashy, and that he was deaf. As soon as we arrived at Steve's and I met Billy, I instantly fell in love with this horse. Not only did he have an amazing personality, but he also really liked to lick people! The combination of his personality, talent, and looks made him the perfect horse for me. Of course I have never had a deaf horse before, so the first time I got on him I really struggled. I had no vocal cues to help me get my horse forward, and at the time my legs were shorter, which made it hard for me to keep Billy moving. Despite these few challenges, I was determined he was the horse for me. After I rode him at Steve’s, he was off to get a pre-purchase exam, and I was hoping and praying he would pass because I loved this horse… and he did! That same summer day, my family and I loaded Billy into our trailer and took him home.

My first couple of months with Billy at home were definitely tough. Since he was deaf and I was new to reining, it was like learning to ride a completely different way. Although he was hard to ride at first, this didn’t stop me from trying, and I remember I couldn’t even get him to walk forward sometimes! A lot of these moments were definitely funny, and I only got better with each lesson. After many months, I finally figured this horse out and I took him to my first CRHA show where we scored a 70, and I was pretty stoked as we had managed to win first place at our first official show! From that point on we started to win just about everything we had entered. He taught me how to be a better rider, a better horseman, and a better person. Billy and I as a team have grown together over the last few years, from me not being able to get him to walk, to us winning multiple year end awards and shows for NRHA affiliate associations. I am forever grateful for Steve and Boo Ross for introducing me to Billy, as he has changed my life as a person and as a rider. They knew he was the perfect horse for me even though I was a new rider, and I am so happy to be his owner.

2019 SCRHA Year End 13&Under Champion
2020 CRHA Year End 13&Under Reserve Champion
2021 CRHA Year End Rookie 1 Champ
2021 CRHA Year End 14-18 Champ
Multiple top 5 placements at AZRHA classes, Maturity Classes & more.

Congrats Travis! We can’t wait to see how far you and Billy go.

Ashlynn Sterusky