Alex + Ladybug

Our favorite messages to get are those from satisfied clients!

We received news that Alex Lieb and Ladybug are still taking the 13 and under world by storm! Alex tied to win, but had already taken Ladybug back to the stalls, washed her off and had let her have a good roll when he got the news the other tie wanted to run off! An emergency re-saddle complete with shavings and a still wet horse, they trotted back to the pen to go a second time. This time even better! He was declared the champion having a 701/2 score. We are so thrilled for Alex and Ladybug, who his mom bought sight unseen from us a year and a half ago!

This is some of what mom had to say:

“Standing by for pictures with beautiful big ribbon around her ❤️ I am having offers here for her for (Insert very large number!!) But Alex says she is coming back home with us .. lol . I’m sitting here wondering how we got so lucky and admiring your honesty and this mare over and over again and so proud to tell everyone where we got her from . Thank you 🙏”

Ashlynn Sterusky